Upcoming Fundraisers
Event at Coyote Crossing Cohousing
July 19 at 5:30 PM
842 Western Dr, Santa Cruz (Commons House)
Video & Guest Speakers on The People's Initiative
Margaritas, Beer & Appetizers
Hosted by Ramon
Donations Welcome!
Coffee & Tea Party
July 9th & 16th at 2:00 PM
Fallon's House (Hollister)
Video & Guest Speaker
Coffee, Tea, Cookies, Appetizers
Hosted by Fallon & Shelley
(by Invitation only)
BOS Meetings & Activism
County Hearings
Our volunteers attend Supervisors' and Planning Commission meetings to advocate for the interests of local residents on environmental and land use issues.
Honk & Wave
Join our volunteers in Hollister or San Juan Bautista in September & October when we have Honk & Waves before the November election.
Join our team of volunteers to canvass at stores or door-to-door. We're educating voters about the initiative, "Empower Voters to Make Land Use Decisions".
Work Parties
Sign Painting
Our volunteers worked for several weeks to paint our large signs using stencils. Thanks to Fallon, Shelley & Elia for the delicious lunches.
Sorting Mailers
Our volunteers sorted mailers for the post office and were always rewarded with a homemade lunch.
Getting Initiative on Ballot (2024)
Volunteers at Elections Office
On May 6, 2024, a group of volunteers from Campaign to Protect San Benito accompanied the proponents of our Initiative to the Elections Office to submit boxes containing Petitions with 3480 signatures for our Initiative (Empower Voters to Make Land Use Decisions).
Proponents Submit Petitions
Our 5 Initiative proponents are well known leaders of their communities (Hollister, San Juan Bautista, Aromas & South County). In the photo above, proponents hand delivered our Initiative to County Elections Officials .
Getting Initiative on Ballot (2022)
Volunteers Outside Elections Office
On January 31, 2022, a group of volunteers from Campaign to Protect San Benito accompanied the proponents of our Initiative to the Elections Office to submit our 2022 Initiative (Let Voters Decide How Our County Grows).
Proponents Submit Initiative
Our five Initiative proponents are well known leaders of their communities (Hollister, San Juan Bautista, Aromas & South County). In the photo above, proponents hand delivered our Initiative to County Elections Officials .